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Schools' Extranet support

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Holiday activity and food programme

Details of our termly food offers which are targeted at families with children who receive benefits-related free school meals or are vulnerable. Registration will close on Sunday 30 March 2025. School staff can find out more here.


Air quality education resources

Air quality education resources for teachers and school support staff. This page will continue to fill with healthier air lesson plans and campaign materials for teachers and school staff. Ideal for use in lessons linked to Geography, Science, English and History, as well as School eco-team or school council projects.

Further information

Air quality resources produced by Leicester City Council 

NEW! Air quality activities for the classroom and the kitchen

Air Quality Education is no longer just for school, since being sent home we’ve been busy working away to find you some practical and theoretical activities that can be undertaken anywhere, with minimal resources – and using what you find around the home or classroom. All activities and resources have been found online, or are our own creations, so if you have an internet connection, you can download and use them. The best bit – they are all FREE!

Activities have been grouped under their appropriate key stage (KS). Some activities are cross-key stage, so feel free to use them as you see fit. Each activity or lesson has been chosen to cover a different aspect of the Leicester City Council’s Air Quality Education programme.

These include:

  • Identifying air pollution sources
  • Discovering the impact of poor air quality to health and the environment; and
  • Taking action to improve air quality.

Air quality activities for the classroom and the kitchen (pdf 229 kb)

NEW! Quick challenge activities

A series of games and activities suitable across key stages, for pairs or groups of children. A great way to assess learning at the end of an air quality lesson or project, or as a reminder at the start of a new lesson.


Workshops, lessons and lesson plans


Please consider the environment.