Childcare wraparound reforms
As part of the childcare reforms, the DfE’s ambition is that all parents that need it will have access to wraparound childcare, either on their school site or signposted by the school.
Further information
Schools are required to inform us of their intentions regarding wraparound provision by Friday 4 October.
Documentary evidence to support your decision should be emailed to
Developing Wraparound provision
To support schools and your families, we have made a number of resources available to you:
Frequently asked questions
Following our previous communications and a series of briefings for schools, PVI providers and chairs of governors, we have produced a set of FAQs to help clarify some points and areas discussed from the sector. It is intended for this to be a document that will grow and develop as we move forward on this area of childcare reforms in the city.
Parent survey
We are making available a parent survey that schools can adopt to help gather feedback and gain evidence around potential demand and needs.
- Cover letter - parent survey template [Word doc]
- Parent survey template (Microsoft forms)
- Guidance to support you with using the MS forms template [PDF file]
Financial forecast template
For schools that are considering creation or expansion of wrap round provision and aiming to express an interest in applying for delivery funding, there is a template that you may find helpful in setting out a costed business plan, which will be required in a funding application. Note: this is intended as a useful resource and/or guide, other templates/models would be acceptable for a bid if preferred.
Community model for signposting
For schools wishing to develop a community model for sign posting parents to wrap around services, we are providing details of schools and PVI providers by children’s centre cluster areas, this is intended to be a start at helping gain an awareness of provision in a given area, but it is our intention in the early autumn to host engagement events in each area to help support the development of community based models, therefore further work will be done around this.
Previous communications:
Wraparound briefing sessions - 13 June 2024
The Department for Education aims to ensure that all parents that need it have access to wraparound childcare, available either on their child's school site or through school signposting. Every primary phase school will need to secure an offer of wrap around provision for the families in their school from 8am before the school day and up until 6pm after school.
To support this initiative, several briefing sessions took place (13, 18, and 19 June) via Microsoft Teams for primary phase schools, PVI sector settings, and childminders. These sessions provided detailed information about the wraparound childcare proposals, offered a chance to ask questions, and explained the funding available to develop and expand these services.
Get in touch
Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Shahid Dagia, Project Manager, by email on
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