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Schools' Extranet support

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Holiday activity and food programme

Details of our termly food offers which are targeted at families with children who receive benefits-related free school meals or are vulnerable. Registration will close on Sunday 30 March 2025. School staff can find out more here.


#EcoTeachMeet information

Our #EcoTeachMeets take place once a term at schools and organisations around Leicester. They are free to attend and always great to find out about what environmental education activities are taking place.

Further information

Upcoming meetings

  • TBC

Previous Meetings

Nether Hall School

Wednesday 5 May 

Our first in person teach meet for over a year!! Presentations from colleagues on the impact of environmental education, projects and activities happening in Leicester including the Summer Reading Challenge, Polli:Nation for the Next Generation (Polli:Gen) and the Green Influencers scheme.

Food Waste Webinar by Food For Life - November 2020

Wednesday 18 November 2020 

As part of out Climate Emergency Fortnight Lisa Didier from Food for Life will be putting on a food waste webinar supported by Avenue Primary School.

A recording of the session is available on the EcoSchoolsLCC YouTube Channel.

Climate Emergency #EcoTeachmeet

Wednesday 11 November 2020 

As part of out Climate Emergency Fortnight we will be hosted presentations from colleagues on the impact of the climate crisis on environmental education and the many projects and activities happening in Leicester.

To view the presentations from the session we have created a #EcoTeachMeet playlist on our EcoSchoolsLCC YouTube Channel.

Autumn #EcoTeachmeet

Wednesday 14 October 2020 - Online on Microsoft Teams, 4.00-5.30pm

Presentations from colleagues on the impact of environmental education, projects and activities happening in Leicester.

To view the presentations from the session we have created a #EcoTeachMeet playlist on our EcoSchoolsLCC YouTube Channel.

EcoTeach Webinars

Keep up to date with all things Environmental Education while social distancing. Find out about opportunities to participate in different projects and activities taking place in Leicester.

All webinars are presented by Lee Jowett and Amy Peace along with special guests.

All ten webinars can be viewed on the EcoSchoolsLCC YouTube channel.

May 2019 - Mayflower Primary School, Leicester 

January 2019 - English Martyrs' School, Leicester

May 2018 - Outdoor Learning, Leicester Botanical Garden

May 2018 - SLT TeachMeet, City Hall, Leicester

October 2016 - Graceworks

  • The meeting took place outdoors, so there were no powerpoints or flyers.

May 2016 - Fullhurst School

  • The meeting took place outdoors, so there were no powerpoints or flyers.

March 2016 - Forest Lodge Education Centre

February 2016 - Overdale Junior School

November 2015 - Sandfield Close Primary School

October 2015 - Mellor Primary School (Litter, recycling and waste)

May 2015 - Rolleston Primary School (Food Growing)

April 2015 - English Martyrs' Catholic School (Energy and water reduction)

March 2015 - Leicester Botanical Garden (Outdoor learning)

  • Files removed due to accessibility 

February 2015 - Avenue Primary (Sustainable travel and transport)

January 2015 - Whitehall Primary School (Fairtrade Schools)

December 2014 - Babington Community College (introductory meeting)

Please consider the environment.