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Young person of the year 2025

Do you know an inspiring young person aged 13 to 19? The Lord-Lieutenant’s award for young people recognises the very best examples of achievement by young people in Leicester and Leicestershire. Nominations are now open. Find out more.


Governor recruitment

This section contains advice, guidance and procedures to follow for the appointment of the Authority Governor and Staff and Parent Governor elections, together with general governor recruitment materials.

Further information

Induction and Safeguarding Training

All new governors are strongly recommended to undertake induction training so that they understand their key roles and can make a valuable contribution.   They should also be provided with school/governing board specific induction too.

In addition to induction training, the Department for Education, through its statutory ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ guidance now requires governors to undertake safeguarding training as part of their induction.  Safeguarding training for governors should provide governors and trustees with the knowledge to provide strategic challenge in relation to safeguarding – this would include safeguarding data, policies, and procedures and will also need to be regularly updated.

Induction and safeguarding Governor training can be accessed through a variety of providers:

  • Leicester City Council

  • NGA Learning Link E-Learning Modules  (for subscribing schools)

  • The Mead Institute of Professional Learning

Visit our training and development section for further  details and how to book.

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