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Climate action plan webinar

Learn how to develop a bespoke Climate Action Plan for your school with guidance from the Sustainable Schools Team and Let’s Go Zero. Join us on 29 October at 4pm — all schools welcome! Find out more and register your place.


Governance strategy 2018 - 2020

This strategy is aligned to Leicester City Council’s School Improvement Framework 2018/19. Which seeks to work in partnership with key stakeholders/partners to ensure that: All Leicester City maintained schools are judged by Ofsted to be at least ‘good’; and; Young people’s outcomes across all key stages are at least in line with national averages.

Further information

Governing bodies are key partners and have a key role in promoting high standards and driving school improvement.
This strategy outlines the Council’s commitment and approach to securing the effective governance of maintained schools in the city and supporting individuals to be effective in carrying out their governor role. In addition, it also sets out the Council’s role in supporting this within the context of its statutory responsibilities, national and local strategies, initiatives and developments.

Please find a copy of the strategy below.


Please consider the environment.