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Young person of the year 2025

Do you know an inspiring young person aged 13 to 19? The Lord-Lieutenant’s award for young people recognises the very best examples of achievement by young people in Leicester and Leicestershire. Nominations are now open. Find out more.


Wildlife Friendly Schools Project

The Wildlife Friendly Schools Project is a project funded by WWF and Air Wick. Our aim is to connect children and young people with nature while bringing valuable habitats into school grounds.

Further information

We have just completed the second year of this project, and this year we worked with 13 schools in Leicestershire to create valuable habitat for wildlife. 

During the 2023 - 2024 academic year we expanded on last years aims to create valuable habitat for wildlife. We did this by:

  • Planting 895m of hedgerow and 3600 trees across eight schools
  • Creating three new ponds in schools, and carrying out maintenance and/or engagement on six ponds
  • Installing 35 bird and bat boxes across eight schools
  • Over 50 education sessions across all 13 schools involved


This will support our key species which are hedgehogs, swifts, redstarts, reptiles, and amphibians. These species were chosen based on Leicester City Councils Biodiversity Action Plan, please see attached for more information on this plan.

Three of the schools were chosen as 'hedgehog champion' schools. With these schools we ran education sessions on how to protect hedgehogs. We also provided schools with hedgehog nest boxes, identified hedgehog highways, litter picked, planted flowering plants to attract invertebrates and carried out awareness activities.

Watch this space for our future work with WWF!





Please consider the environment.