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Climate action plan webinar

Learn how to develop a bespoke Climate Action Plan for your school with guidance from the Sustainable Schools Team and Let’s Go Zero. Join us on 29 October at 4pm — all schools welcome! Find out more and register your place.


Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots programme

Children attending the eco-schools roadshow

The Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots programme is an education programme for young people. Roots & Shoots encourages children to implement practical positive change for people, animals and the environment by providing teachers with free resources and activities.

Further information

Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots has three overall awards categories. The first, general, category gives bronze, silver and gold awards to the best school projects to commend your hard work. The second category is the prestigious The Jane Goodall Award for Individual Endeavour, and our third category is for Best Photographic Entry.

All schools that submit a project post will automatically be eligible for a Bronze Award certificate personalised with the details of your school. Projects that show special merit and initiative will be awarded a personalised Silver Award certificate. Both Bronze and Silver award winners will be considered for Jane Goodall’s Roots & Shoots Annual Award and you may be invited to attend the prestigious Awards Ceremony.

Projects that incorporate work on all three aspects of Roots & Shoots will be awarded a personalised Gold Award certificate. The schools who have submitted these projects will be automatically invited to the Roots & Shoots Annual Award Ceremony where students will have the opportunity to present their projects and meet Dr. Jane Goodall in person before an overall winner is announced.

In March 2016, four of our schools in Leicester were fortunate enough to be invited to meet Dr. Jane Goodall at London Zoo. The prestigious event has been previously attended by Babington College, Sandfield Close Primary School, Rushey Mead Academy and Mayflower Primary to show and tell the amazing work they had been carrying out in their respective schools.

In 2017, 2 schools attended the Awards ceremony at the Barbican (Humberstone Junior School & Sir Jonathan North Community College). In 2018, The Children's Hospital School attended the awards and won the most outstanding group. 

If your school is interested in participating in the Jane Goodall Roots & Shoots Programme and would like to submit a project for consideration, simply register and log-in to the Roots & Shoots website and post a story for your school.

Remember, your projects need to demonstrate how you have made a practical, positive difference to either people, or animals, or the environment. If you can show how you have helped to make the world a better place for one or even two of the above, then you will be eligible for a bronze or silver award. If however, you wish to be considered for a Gold Award you must demonstrate that you have made a positive difference to all three aspects – for people, animals and the environment.

Good luck!

How to find out more contact:
Jasmina Georgovska

0207 0784064

Please consider the environment.