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Schools' Extranet support

Please call us on 0116 454 1120 or email:

Climate action plan webinar

Learn how to develop a bespoke Climate Action Plan for your school with guidance from the Sustainable Schools Team and Let’s Go Zero. Join us on 29 October at 4pm — all schools welcome! Find out more and register your place.


Waste and recycling

recycling in schools poster

We work with schools to promote recycling and related waste management issues. We have resources available for nursery, primary and secondary schools.

Further information

Waste and recycling service

Through Leicester City Council your school can receive a comprehensive waste and recycling support. For information please contact Kimberley Tilley or 0116 454 6742 .

Lesson and activities

Lessons and activities can be offered for EYFS through to KS4 students. KS4 students are also able to visit the Ball Mill, which is responsible for diverting approximately 70% of wheelie bin waste from landfill and is the only one of its kind in the UK. Please see below for activities which can be offered to your school. 

We have produced an EcoTeach Webinar all about waste and recycling here in Leicester. Why not take a look?


Please consider the environment.