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Young person of the year 2025

Do you know an inspiring young person aged 13 to 19? The Lord-Lieutenant’s award for young people recognises the very best examples of achievement by young people in Leicester and Leicestershire. Nominations are now open. Find out more.


Community cohesion team

The service has a bilingual support assistant who can help EPs in their work with children and parents/carers from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Further information

They have a particular role in supporting children and their families who speak English as an Additional Language who are referred to the service. This support is accessed by the named EP for the school.

EP for International New Arrivals:

The service has an Educational Psychologist who has dedicated time to provide a responsive approach with school admissions and special education service to support the welcome of children and young people newly arrived in the UK who are likely to have significant special educational needs. The EP helps to identify, assess, and support their special educational needs in cooperation with their families and school staff so that they can be included in our local Leicester schools.

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