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Young person of the year 2025

Do you know an inspiring young person aged 13 to 19? The Lord-Lieutenant’s award for young people recognises the very best examples of achievement by young people in Leicester and Leicestershire. Nominations are now open. Find out more.


Work for children across city-county boundaries

Leicester City provides a service for children and young people with a statement of special educational needs/Education, Health and Care Plan who live within Leicester City but attend an educational setting outside of the city.

Further information

Educational settings outside Leicester City

Educational settings outside Leicester City who wish to access a service for a Leicester City child with Education, Health and Care Plans should contact the service directly. Concerns about Leicester City children attending an educational setting outside Leicester City who do not have an Education, Health and Care Plan needs should be raised with the psychological service for the local authority in which the educational setting is located.  

Please consider the environment.