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Additional information for parents/carers

The Psychology Service is committed to working in partnership with parents/carers to support the educational and psychological development of their child or young person.

Further information

Partnership working

The service will always seek to work in partnership with parents/carers in addressing concerns about their children. Parents/carers will always be informed about an EP’s work with their child and all reports and advice will be copied to them.

Contacting the psychology service

Parents/carers can write to or telephone the service to raise concerns about their child. The response made by the EP will depend upon the nature of the concerns being raised by the parent. The EP may provide general advice and/or advise the parent/carer to discuss their concerns with the school and/or signpost the parents to other services where appropriate. Alternatively the EP may decide to raise the parental concerns with the school and other professionals then decide the next steps in consultation with the parent/carers.

All enquiries and requests from parents/carers will be followed up with a clear agreement with them about EP actions.

Information leaflets and useful links

Please consider the environment.