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Schools' Extranet support

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School attendance network

All schools are invited to register for this virtual session taking place on Thursday 6 March at 10am. This session will cover trends in absence data and other key topics related to attendance.


Previous events

Check out what events and training the Environmental Education Team have hosted in the past.

Further information

Summer Reading Challenge 2021

This year's Challenge is set in fictional Wilderville, where the Wild World Heroes must work together to solve the environmental problems they discover.

The Environmental Education Team at Leicester City Council are offered free 90 minute in school workshops suitable for Y2 - Y6, including a book reading or review and a mix of environmental and literacy activities workshops. We engage over 880 students from 12 schools. 

Weekly Challenges during the summer - 12 July 2021 – 20 August 2021

Mini challenges featuring a different environmental theme each week will be featured on our website and social channels alongside the Wild World Heroes!

Eco-Schools: Getting Back on Track with your Green Flag

A session to offer support for refocusing on your Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.

Earth Day 2021

The environmental education team were joined by 800 students on Thursday 22nd April to celebrate Earth Day with a 15 minute presentation via Microsoft Teams followed by a question and answer session.

This year, Earth Day is a three-day event to call for climate action, with the theme Restore Our Earth™. Live events are took place across the world.

Climate Action Fortnight

The fortnight tackled an Eco-Schools topic with a climate emergency focus each day featuring special guest speakers, activities and challenges for students and training opportunities for staff. All content was hosted online via Microsoft Teams Live and uploaded to the EcoSchoolsLCC YouTube channel to be accessed at any time. Find out more information on our Climate Action Fortnight page. 

Sustainable Schools Celebration

The celebration, held on Monday 9 November 2020, was a very enjoyable occasion celebrating the wonderful people that work and volunteer at schools in Leicester. Featuring key note speeches from Judy Ling Wong of the Black Environment Network and James Cashmore from The Soil Association, the recording can be found on our YouTube Channel.  Find out more information on our Sustainable Schools Celebration 2020 page.

Litter Less Leicester Training - November 2020

The Litter Less Campaign, led by Eco-Schools aims to reduce litter and affect long-term behaviour change through implementing a waste management system, which involves the whole school. 

The training session will took place on Friday 13 November 2020.

If you would like more information, please contact the Environmental Education Team 0116 454 2271/4543/6746

Eco-Schools training 

In Leicester there are now 53 schools with the prestigious Green Flag Award putting us number one in England! This training, delivered by Leicester City Council, will provided top tips for working on Eco-Schools when you are working in bubbles, ideas for new projects, things that have gone well, things that maybe haven't and a chance to pair up with colleagues. This training will took place on Wednesday 23 September 2020 - 4.00-5.30pm online via Microsoft Teams. Keep a look out for our other training opportunities.

Eco-Schools and Food for Life Celebration 2020

This year we were not able to host our annual Eco-Schools and Food for Life celebration, but we didn’t want to miss the chance to celebrate all the city schools’ hard work which has taken place in the last academic year!  We are therefore hosted a virtual Eco-Schools and Food for Life celebration via Microsoft Teams Live. We are invited all schools in the city to attend this virtual event including parents! The event will took place on Tuesday 22 September 1.30-2.30pm

EcoTeach Webinars 2020

Keep up to date with all things Environmental Education while social distancing. Find out about opportunities to participate in different projects and activities taking place in Leicester. All webinars will be presented by Lee Jowett and Amy Peace along with guests.

How to apply for your Green Flag - 1 July 2020

PowerPoint Presentation - How to apply for your Green Flag


Marine - 24 June 2020

PowerPoint Presentation - Marine


Healthy Living 17 June 2020

PowerPoint Presentation - Healthy Living


Global Citizenship and Fairtrade - 10 June 2020

PowerPoint Presentation - Global Citizenship and Fairtrade


Biodiversity - 3 June 2020

PowerPoint Presentation - Biodiversity

Information and useful resources


Transport - 20 May 2020

PowerPoint Presentation - Transport

Waste and Recycling - 13 May 2020

PowerPoint Presentation - Waste and Recycling


School Grounds - 5 May 2020

PowerPoint Presentation - School Grounds


Litter - 29 April 2020

PowerPoint Presentation - Litter


Energy and Water - 22 April 2020

PowerPoint Presentation - Water and energy 

Please consider the environment.