Clean air day – Thursday 19 June 2025
Clean Air Day is the UK’s biggest initiative to reduce air pollution. It provides an opportunity to raise awareness about air pollution and take action towards improving the quality of air for a healthier environment.
Quick links
Further information
The campaign is brought to us by Global Action plan, who fuel the clean air movement by enabling people and organisations (including schools) to act on air pollution.
The World Health Organisation and the UK Government recognise that air pollution is the largest environmental health risk we face today. Children are one of the most at risk groups from poor air quality.
Joining in on clean air day will focus your school’s attention on air pollution, improving understanding across the school community – from pupils to parents, business managers to premises officers, teachers to senior leaders.
Understanding the source of key air pollutants and their impact can add incentive for staff, pupils and parents to join in with any existing active travel campaigns and activities you might already be running.
Clean Air Day could be the driver you need to start a new sustainable travel or cleaner air campaign, and ignite enthusiasm to trial some new or existing air pollution busting behaviours.
We want as many schools to participate, as possible
Get your school involved
Follow these three steps
1. Save the date
Clean Air Day is happening on Thursday 19 June 2025. Please add this date to your diaries.
2. Decide on ideas to support the day
From information giving, car-free days, school assemblies, citizen science, lessons or workshops, idling campaigns and incentives to cycle or walk or scoot, park and strides or walking buses, or your own ideas.
We will also be contacting some schools to offer a school street road closure.
3. Register your interest to say your taking part and request support from the team (online form)
Complete our online form to register your interest.
Teaching resources
- Lesson plans, campaign activities and assemblies created by the air quality education officer
- Tackle air pollution at the school gate with Transform Our World – Clean air for schools activities
Past clean air day events
- Glebelands Primary School, Clean Air Day 2018
- Catherine Junior School, Clean Air Day 2019
- Press release: schools take part in Clean Air Day 2024
- Leicester Clean Air Day: what is Clean Air Day and why does it matter?
Get in touch
If you have any questions, please contact:
Danni Kennell, Education Officer (Air Quality),
Please consider the environment.