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Personal education plan

Every child and young person (of school age) who is looked after by us has a personal education plan (PEP). The PEP is initiated by the child’s school, in partnership with the social worker, virtual school officer and carer.

Further information

A PEP shows:

  • How you are currently doing
  • What your teacher predicts your progress to be
  • What support you need to help you reach your goals
  • Acknowledges achievement and celebrates success

The PEP sets short-term and long-term goals for learning, plans for the future (including future plans and personal goals) and how teachers, carer(s) and social worker can help pupils achieve their potential. Schools and the local authority have a shared responsibility for ensuring the PEP is a live and working document.

It is a statutory requirement that PEPs are reviewed at least three times each academic year:

  • First review – autumn term
  • Second review – spring term
  • Third review – summer term

The PEP document will contain basic information and will be completed at a meeting organized by the school and chaired by the designated teacher. The pupil’s social worker must be present along with other professionals involved with the young person. You should adopt a pupil centred approach when planning and conducting a PEP meeting. It is essential that the child’s view are represented and they can access their meeting as appropriate. The PEP meeting is also the opportunity to discuss additional funding through Pupil Premium Plus.

When to complete a personal education plan

A full PEP meeting should be held at any time of significant change for example:

  • When a child first comes into care (within 10 school days)
  • Moves to a new care placement
  • Changes school setting
  • Any other significant life event

Frequently asked questions

Why is the PEP necessary?

The Personal Education Plan is a ‘living’, evolving, comprehensive and enduring record of the child’s experience, progress and achievement (academic and otherwise), and inform any discussion about education during statutory reviews of the child’s wider care plan.

What should happen at the PEP meeting?

The PEP meeting is a multi-agency review of a child’s progress and a discussion on what needs to be done to narrow the attainment gap and work towards a positive outcome for the young person.

What is the Virtual School’s role?

The Virtual School’s role in the PEP process is to support the school to run the PEP and attend and contribute where necessary. The Virtual School officer will be able to advise about other services that may support the young person’s progress.

Who should you contact for advice about PEPs?

For any advice and guidance on how to complete a high quality personal education plan, please contact your virtual school officer or contact the team via telephone 0116 454 5007 or email


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