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Schools' Extranet support

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Mental health lead grants available

The DfE is continuing to encourage schools and colleges to apply to train a mental health lead while grants are still available. Reserve your grant by 31 December 2024. Find out more.


SENCO support

Information to support SENCO’s from SENDIASS Leicester.

Further information

  • Would you like new online resources for Annual Reviews?

  • Do you know any students that might want to communicate their views in a different way?

  • Would you like a selected group of Young People to participate in a Pre- Annual Review activity to gain their views before the meeting takes place?

If you feel that this might be a good way to gain Children & Young People’s views before an Annual Review meeting, we are happy to organise an info pack to be sent electronically to you which you can share with your families. We have an interactive session available to gain CYP views which can then be used for their Annual Review within school/ college.

Please get in touch with your Local Information, Advice and Support Service SENDIASS Leicester to arrange the interactive Annual Review pack.

Pack includes: “All about me” presentation, “This is me” Q & A sheet, support in how to engage in an Annual Review meeting and an interactive picture card activity & “how to” guide.

Get in touch

Call Natasha (CYP Engagement Officer): 0116 482 0863


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