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Holiday activity and food programme

Details of our termly food offers which are targeted at families with children who receive benefits-related free school meals or are vulnerable. Registration will close on Sunday 30 March 2025. School staff can find out more here.


Walk to School – Living Streets

Living Streets is the UK’s leading charity for everyday walking. In Leicester, we provide support for schools wanting to reduce congestion and improve air quality and road safety around the school gate.

Further information

Cate Dean
Project Coordinator (Leicester), Living Streets
07595 781875

Walk to School Challenge for primary school aged children

WOW - Living Streets' walk to school challenge encourages children and their families to travel actively to school and log their daily travel on the interactive Travel Tracker. Pupils who walk, scoot, cycle, bus or park and stride to school at least once a week are rewarded with a monthly collectible WOW badge. 11 badges are available to collect each school year. Watch the “What is WOW?” video!

The Travel Tracker shows which pupils have earned a badge and school staff can run reports to see travel habits at a whole school or class level. This data can be used as part of lesson activities, to monitor (and celebrate!) your active travel improvements, and as evidence towards Eco-Schools, Healthy Schools and Modeshift STARS awards.

On average, WOW schools see a 30% reduction in car journeys taken to the school gate and a 23% increase in walking rates.

Living Streets will help you set-up and launch WOW as well as be on hand to offer support once you’re up and running. Curriculum-aligned resources are also available.

WOW can be adapted to suit your school’s needs so please get in touch for more information and/or to arrange a Travel Tracker demonstration.

A limited number of funded WOW places are available to Leicester City schools. To find out more or to express an interest in taking part, contact Living Streets using the details at the top of this web page.

Transitioning to secondary school

Living Streets' journey planning activity sheet encourages year 6 pupils to consider the different ways they could travel to their new secondary school. The activity can be completed by pupils at home or in school as part of their ‘transitions’ preparation.

Visit Living Streets’ Making the Transition to Secondary School page to download the activity sheet and for information that can be shared with parents/carers.

Further walk to school resources and initiatives

Visit Living Streets’ Walk to School page to browse the full range of resources and initiatives on offer to primary and secondary schools. This includes curriculum-linked lesson plans, information about our Walk to School Week and a Family Walk to School Kit, designed to help parents, carers and children make the walk to school work for them.

Global Goal(s) your project supports:

  • 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing
  • 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 13 – Climate Action
  • 17 – Partnerships for the Goals

Please consider the environment.