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Young person of the year 2025

Do you know an inspiring young person aged 13 to 19? The Lord-Lieutenant’s award for young people recognises the very best examples of achievement by young people in Leicester and Leicestershire. Nominations are now open. Find out more.


What we do?

We work with children 0-5 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, their families and other professionals. We work in Homes, Settings and Schools. We provide a range of training to parents, settings and school staff.

Further information

Home teaching

We aim for parents/carers will feel supported and have a greater understanding of their child’s needs and feel more able to meet their needs.

We will do this through:

  • Providing home teaching and work together with parents and carers
  • Providing advice on children’s learning, language and behaviour
  • Working closely with other professionals working with the child
  • Helping parents understand child development and how they can help their child learn and develop
  • Helping parents to access advice, help and child-care provision in their communities

Early years settings

We provide every Leicester City early years setting has a link teacher known as an Area SENCO.

We will:

  • Support setting SENCOs in developing their role
  • Offer guidance on their SEND policy and procedures
  • Provide training on a range of SEND topics both centrally and at the setting
  • Aid settings with the early identification of children with SEND
  • Advise and support staff in meeting children’s individual needs
  • Advise staff on how to make their setting more inclusive
  • Support settings with the assessments, provision and review of individual children
  • Support settings with transition of children SEND into schools


Every Leicester school has a link EYST teacher for children in nursery and reception classes

We will:

  • Provide training on a range of SEND topics both centrally and in school
  • Advise and support staff in meeting children’s individual needs
  • Attend joint planning meetings twice a year
  • Work closely with the school SENCO and the staff in foundation stage
  • Support staff with the transition of individual children into the foundation stage and liaise with CLCI and SEMH teams for children going into year 1
  • Support schools with the assessments, provision and reviews of individual children
  • Advise school on including children with SEND

Family fun

We offer 'family fun’ every Wednesday morning (term time) at the Early Years Support Centre. This is a stay and play session for families and children on the early years support team caseload. Parents and children can:

  • Pick up helpful ideas and tips
  • Meet other parents
  • Have fun with a wide range of activities

Pindar Nursery



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