BERA audits
The BERA audits and the best endeavours and reasonable adjustments framework provide details of what schools must do to meet SEND needs and comply with their legal responsibilities under the SEND Code of Practice 2014, the Children and Families Act 2014 and the Equality Act 2010.
Further information
There are three sections to the BERA audits: the whole school audit, all needs audit, and specific needs audits.
The BERA audits are to be completed on an annual basis by each school. The audit system is part of a graduated approach by Leicester City’s special educational needs and disabilities support services to both assist schools to plan their SEND support and increase equity in SEND support provision across the city.
Schools will benefit from the accurate and detailed completion of these audits which provide a clear picture of where school is meeting needs and help identify areas where further work is required to fully meet the BERA requirements.
The BERA audit is part of the ‘Assess, Plan, Do, Review’ cycle (graduated approach), that is essential to plan SEND support in schools. It can also help support:
- a child and young person's progress
- staff allocations and training needs
- schools’ applications for Element 3 top-up funding
- OFSTED inspections
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