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So you want to declare a Climate Emergency?

A practical guide to declaring a climate emergency for Colleges, Schools and Multi Academy Trusts.

Further information

On 1 February 2019 Leicester City Council declared a Climate Emergency. Our ambition is for the city and the council to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2030. The council is addressing the emergency through its Climate Emergency Action Plan, and it now developing a new version of this plan. We also want to inspire schools to join us and take action too.


The city council took the decision to declare a Climate Emergency for several reasons:

  • We believe that climate change poses a very great threat to the well-being of present and future residents of the city, and to Leicester’s future success and prosperity.
  • Cities including our own have been estimated to be responsible for about 70% of worldwide carbon dioxide emissions. We believe that the council and the rest of the city has a responsibility to play our part in tackling the challenge. 
  • Leicester has a lot to gain from acting decisively now, rather than waiting for other cities and other countries to act first. For example, many of the clean technologies required will make the city a healthier place to live.  By adopting them as soon as we can, we think this could help our economy get a head-start in the new emerging low-carbon economic sectors, and the jobs being created in them.
  • This could be the last opportunity to put the world on the right path in a planned and manageable way, rather than in a chaotic way which risks causing negative impacts – particularly on the more vulnerable members of society. We think Leicester should plan for change now, not wait for outside events to force change upon us.  

The Sustainable Schools Team has produced a resource pack to help your school declare your own climate emergency.

  1. Download the pack.
  2. Read through the guide to understand what the Climate Emergency is.
  3. Discuss your plans with students and staff.
  4. Select actions which you plan to achieve, make them manageable but also remember we are in a Climate Emergency.
  5. Make sure your actions have a duration, responsibilities and an evaluation.
  6. Take your action plan to the Governing Body or Trustees to ensure that you have their support.
  7. You can submit your action plan to the city council which we will publicise as part of our wider action plan.
  8. Start your action plan!
  9. Review regularly to check and maintain your progress.

Support is available from the Sustainable Schools Team in developing your plan and carrying out the actions.



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