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Schools' Extranet support

Please call us on 0116 454 1120 or email:

Holiday activity and food programme

Details of our termly food offers which are targeted at families with children who receive benefits-related free school meals or are vulnerable. Registration will close on Sunday 30 March 2025. School staff can find out more here.


Trauma informed approaches

2021 continues to be a challenging year for Children and Young People, their families and the staff who support them.

Further information

Awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) helps us to understand responses to trauma. Individuals experience different levels of stress. Our lived experiences (home life and past experiences) mean that we all have different levels of resilience and capacity to manage the world around us.  What can aid recovery is knowing more about where we are at emotionally and what we can put into place to take a positive next step.

Trauma informed schools

"On average it takes a child 10 years to receive help for a mental health problem" (The Centre for Mental Health 2015)

A trauma informed school is one that is able to support children and teenagers who suffer with trauma or mental health problems and whose troubled behaviour acts as a barrier to learning.

Support from Leicester City Council

Support is available for children and young people, families and school staff from:

Please consider the environment.