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Schools' Extranet support

Please call us on 0116 454 1120 or email:

Holiday activity and food programme

Details of our termly food offers which are targeted at families with children who receive benefits-related free school meals or are vulnerable. Registration will close on Sunday 30 March 2025. School staff can find out more here.


Element 3 funding

This page is for schools and early years settings that want to apply for additional funding to support a child or young person with special education needs who does not have an Education Health and Care Plan.

Further information

Terms of reference (E3 top up funding)

Information to help you complete the application form for top up funding can be found in our Terms of reference (TOR) document.

Frequently asked questions

Banding descriptors

The Banding Descriptors were devised in collaboration with SENDCos, psychologists, SENDSS teachers and the quality improvement team.

The descriptors provide a ‘best fit’ model to describe both need and provision, from universal provision at schools resource and include top up funding for Band 1, 2, and 3. These were piloted during the Spring Term 2024 at the E3 panels. At the SENDCo Briefing on the 20 March 2024, they were introduced to all SENDCos with the view to being put on the Schools' Extranet. Apologies, due to the Cyber incident this last step did not occur. The descriptors are now available to all below.

The Banding Descriptors will be rolled out for use in both the Education Health Care Needs Assessment Panel (EHCNA) and the Resource Allocation Panel (RAP) over the autumn term 2024.

Support / technical issues

There is also high needs funding application training available via SENDSS please visit the extranet or contact the Quality Inclusion Team for further details.

For technical issues, please contact the Quality Inclusion team with screenshots and EL number where possible.



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