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Hinduism dates back over 4,000 years and is made up of a variety of different religious beliefs and practices which originated near the river Indus in India. The name 'Hindu' comes from the word Indus.

Further information

There is tremendous variety within the religious traditions covered by the title of Hinduism. Hindus are people who practise the religion known as Hinduism, which many prefer to call Sanatana Dharma. This means the 'Eternal Way' in Sanskrit. This way of living embraces many beliefs and practices, based on some broadly agreed principles about the nature and purpose of existence. 'Hindu' can also be used to describe one's cultural heritage and identity. It is a very adaptable religion and most adherents fit the religion into the community in which they live. As a result, there are significant variations in the way that Hinduism is practised from community to community and even from family to family.

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