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Internal audit

Leicestershire County Council provides internal audit services for Leicester City Council, including city schools.

Further information

For more details of the audit services available, please see

Internal audit update

Colleagues are asked to note that the City Council’s internal audit service has been formally delegated to Leicestershire County Council. The County Council is now responsible for City internal audit and Neil Jones, Head of Assurance Services at the County, is now also the City’s Head of Internal Audit. His e-mail is The auditors employed by the City have transferred to the County.  As time progresses, a wider range of auditors from the County team will conduct City audits, including schools. The delegation does not, however, affect the City’s counter-fraud team, headed by Stuart Limb.

Colin Sharpe, Head of Finance at the City Council, will meet regularly with Neil and his audit managers to review the City audit plan, progress of audit work underway,  key themes arising from audits, any concerns, etc.  Colin’s e-mail is



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