Mayflower primary school – temporary school information event
An information event regarding Mayflower Primary School’s temporary school solution will take place will take place on Wednesday 4 October from 4.30 to 7.30pm.
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Further information
As a member of the local community, you are invited to attend an information event to view and discuss plans for the provision of a temporary school for Mayflower Primary School.
The temporary school, which will consist of two temporary buildings and associated external works, is to be located on land to the rear of Leicester Caribbean Cricket Club and to the South of Coleman Primary School.
The temporary accommodation is required as a result of the discovery of RAAC that cannot be made sufficiently safe in short order within some areas of the existing Mayflower Primary School (which are currently out of bounds) and the subsequent need to teach Mayflower’s children across more than one site. Despite the exceptional lengths teachers and staff at Mayflower are going to in order to maintain the quality of education all students need to return to one site to best protect their quality of education and the teachers’ quality of life.
Members of the design team will be on hand to answer any of your queries throughout the event.
Event details
Date: Wednesday 4 October 2023
Time: 4:30 – 7:30pm
Location: Mayflower Methodist Church
Please consider the environment.