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Climate action plan webinar

Learn how to develop a bespoke Climate Action Plan for your school with guidance from the Sustainable Schools Team and Let’s Go Zero. Join us on 29 October at 4pm — all schools welcome! Find out more and register your place.

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  • News
  • COVID and Flu Vaccination Clinic for At-Risk 5–11 year olds

COVID and Flu Vaccination Clinic for At-Risk 5–11 year olds

University Hospitals Leicester (UHL) will be hosting a COVID and Flu Vaccination clinic this Sunday 14 January 2024, at the Leicester Royal Infirmary 10am to 4pm for children aged 5-11 at clinical risk. Appointments can be booked by calling the central bookings team on 0116 497 5700.

Further information

Please make a note that this will be the final clinic for this age group before the campaign concludes on 31 January. 


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