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  • City marks Holocaust Memorial Day

City marks Holocaust Memorial Day

Leicester is set to remember those killed in genocides around the world at this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day.

Further information

It takes place on Saturday, January 27 – a date which commemorates the liberation of the notorious Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp at the end of the Second World War.

In addition to remembering the millions of people killed by the Nazis during the Holocaust, it is also a chance to commemorate those murdered in subsequent genocides such as Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

Leicester Lord Mayor, Cllr Dr Susan Barton, will be joined by other local dignitaries at an event being held at the Hugh Aston Building at De Montfort University.

It will include a young people’s panel with a question and answer session along with music from Caroline Salinger and an address on this year’s theme, “Fragility of Freedom” by Professor Aubrey Newman, past director of the Stanley Burton Centre for Holocaust and Genocide Studies. 

Results of a schools’ essay competition will also be announced, and winning entries will be read by the students.

Councillor Barton said: “Holocaust Memorial Day is a reminder of the millions of our fellow humans, including whole communities, who were murdered in past genocides and atrocities, simply for being who they were.

“We also recognise that millions of people today continue to live under the dark shadow of more recent atrocities across the world and the devastation, terror and tragedy of ongoing hatred and extreme violence.

“We have a responsibility to educate others about these horrific events and mean it when we say ‘Never forget’ and ‘Never again’.”

The event is open to anyone to attend and will take place in the Hugh Aston Building (building 22) The Newarke, Leicester LE2 7BY on Saturday, January 27, from 7pm.

Parking is available in the university’s staff and visitor car park (building 38) at a cost of £2 per vehicle.

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