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Schools' Extranet support

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School attendance network

All schools are invited to register for this virtual session taking place on Thursday 6 March at 10am. This session will cover trends in absence data and other key topics related to attendance.


Family book time 2024

Act now to express an interest in Family Book Time 2024!

Further information

Following changes to BookTrust gifting schemes we piloted Family Book Time in 2023 as our new approach to storytelling/book sharing for EYFS children and their parents and carers.  It was a great success and we plan to run the project for a second year in Autumn Term 2024, aiming to work with 35 schools.

The offer to each participating school will be:

1 or 2 x one hour sessions aimed at EYFS children in both year groups and their parents/carers which can be either a visit to school from a Leicester libraries Storyteller, or we can deliver the same session in your local library if that is preferred.

The sessions comprise:

  • 30 minutes to model book sharing with EYFS children and their parents/carers using selected picture books
  • 30 minute before or after, with parents/carers offering them an opportunity to make library cards for their children and ask questions

It is essential that as many parents/carers as possible attend the session to maximise impact by supporting school parent partnerships, the home learning environment and providing an opportunity for them to join children to the library.

Express your interest

If you would like to express an interest in taking part this autumn term, please complete this online form which should take no more than 5 minutes.  

We will release further session dates in early September, for sessions after October half term. 

We are sorry that we cannot guarantee to work with every school which expresses an interest but we will let you know either way in early September.

Please consider the environment.