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Schools' Extranet support

Please call us on 0116 454 1120 or email:

School attendance network

All schools are invited to register for this virtual session taking place on Thursday 6 March at 10am. This session will cover trends in absence data and other key topics related to attendance.


Leicester libraries

We have 17 libraries across the city with free and easy access to books, computers and information. Information specific to schools will be made available here.

Further information


Leicester libraries are focussing on our free e-resources in this lockdown period. It is free for families to join online and access children’s and adult e-books, e-comics and e-magazines to keep the whole family reading during lockdown.

Please share the above with your school community.

Once upon a time stories - latest stories

Transcripts for these stories are attached and transcripts for any of the previously published stories can be supplied on request. 

Winter tales

The days grow short. The wind grows cold. We’ve winter tales. For young and old.

Birds fly south. Before the snows. Our fireside tales. Will warm your toes.

To push back darkness. Bring you cheer. Our winter tales. To end the year.

Green tales

It’s school climate action fortnight in Leicester. So to tie in with this, we have two green tales for you this week.

Indian tales

Spooky stories

The latest spooky stories from Leicester Libraries

The girl of ink and stars audio drama

All schools can access a free podcast of The Girl of Ink and Stars, along with a digital suite of freelearning resources to provide opportunities for children to deepen their engagement with the themes, content and production of this story. 

Further information about the story and how to access the podcast and the enriched learning opportunities is available at:

Please consider the environment.