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In this section
  • Services
  • Purchase order - contract conditions

Purchase order - contract conditions

Terms and conditions of contract for suppliers of goods and services to Leicester City Schools

Further information

1.    The purchaser or designated representative shall be afforded the right to verify at source, or upon receipt, that the product or service purchased conforms to specified requirements. Such verification shall not absolve the supplier of the responsibility to provide acceptable product or service, nor shall it preclude subsequent rejection.

2.    The purchaser or designated representative reserves the right to reject any products or services which do not conform to specified requirements, and in the event of such a rejection the supplier will replace same at no additional cost. Where the purchaser or designated representative signs a supplier delivery ticket or similar documentation, this shall not indicate that the product or service conforms to specified requirements, nor shall it preclude subsequent rejection.

3.    When the purchaser or designated representative elects to carry out verification at the supplier’s plant, such verification shall not be used by the supplier as evidence of effective control of quality.

4.    If required by the purchaser, the supplier will afford the purchaser or designated representative the right to carry out an audit of the supplier’s quality system in order to assess the suppliers capability to supply products and/or services of the required quality. A satisfactory assessment, however, shall not absolve the supplier of the responsibility to provide acceptable product or service, nor shall it preclude subsequent rejection.

5.    Where the purchaser specifically requires traceability, the supplier will be responsible for providing unique identification of the individual products or batches at no extra cost to the purchaser.

6.      The supplier will be deemed to accept these terms and conditions unless written notification to the contrary is received by the purchaser or designated representative within seven days of the date of the purchase order.

7.     Health & Safety at work etc. Act, 1974 - Section 6 Note: The Leicester City Council requires any supplier of any article which is supplied in respect to this order to provide any information necessary to ensure that when it is put into its proper use it will be safe and without risks to health. Failure to comply will be deemed a breach of condition of this order.

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