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What's happening this term?

This section contains details of forthcoming governor events/briefing sessions being held during this term.

Further information

Training and development 

Chairs of governors termly meetings 2023-2024

Summer term

The termly Chairs of Governors Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 5th June 2024.

There will be 2 sessions running, both the same, in the morning and evening (10am-11:15am and 6pm – 7:15pm)

A full agenda will be send nearer the time but we have sessions on:

  • Education sufficiency and pupil number forecasts in the city
  • Childcare reforms and wraparound care
  • School Improvement Leicester and Triad reports


To receive the Teams link please email          

Summer term 2024 local authority briefing papers

(Summary Document)

  • Teachers’ Directed Time
  • Governing Board Training Information 
  • DfE Governance Guides
  • Family Hubs and Start for Life Programme
  • Partnership for Inclusion of Neurodiversity in Schools (PINS) project
  • Childcare Reforms (separate attachment)
  • Governing Board Annual Planner - Tasks for the Summer Term (attachment - maintained and academies)

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