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School attendance network

All schools are invited to register for this virtual session taking place on Thursday 6 March at 10am. This session will cover trends in absence data and other key topics related to attendance.

In this section

Induction of new governors

A short summary of the induction process for a new governor within a governing body.

Further information

Helping new governors

New governors receive a formal letter of appointment and some general information on being a governor (including the NGA trigger pack for new governors) from the governor services team.
In addition, your school/governing body should include the following items in your school’s induction procedure:

  • A welcome telephone call from the chair of governors and/or headteacher, giving information about the time and date of the next meeting and the contact point for further information;
  • The opportunity to meet the Headteacher and to visit the school during the working day;
  • The offer of a mentor.  This would ideally be an experienced member of the governing body who would help the new governor in the early stages;
  • An introduction of the new governor at the first formal meeting and support from the chair to help a new governor participate in the business of the meeting;
  • Introductory information about the school and the workings of the governing body.

Checklist of information for new governors

  • The names of other members of the governing body
  • The contact details of the clerk to governors
  • Your latest school prospectus
  • Your latest school profile
  • A calendar of meeting dates for the coming year
  • The minutes of your last 3 governing body meetings
  • Details of the governing body ‘s working practices (eg committee structures etc)
  • Committee membership details
  • A copy of the latest DfE “Guide to the Law”
  • The Instrument of government for your school
  • The latest version of the School improvement plan
  • Your most recent OFSTED inspection and action plans
  • Information on where to access school policies

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