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Schools' Extranet support

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School attendance network

All schools are invited to register for this virtual session taking place on Thursday 6 March at 10am. This session will cover trends in absence data and other key topics related to attendance.


Early help - a guide for schools

This guide has been created as part of the work of the Leicester Education Strategic Partnership Operation Group (LESPOG) to: manage a planned range of improvement and development activities in conjunction with education partners to ensure that significant progress is being achieved to meet the LESP’s strategic priorities and objectives.

Further information

Early Help is a strategic priority of the Leicester Education Strategic Partnership. LESPOG established an Early Help Task and Finish Group comprising partners from Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and the Local Authority to identify how to support schools to understand and engage with the Early Help agenda. It was agreed that a set of ‘Early Help commitments’ be created to set out the activities required by schools to ensure they are up-to-date and engaged with the early help agenda.

Early help commitments

This document, compiled by a local Schools SEND Hub, details a set of Early Help Commitments which will enable local schools to ensure that:

  •  Pupils, parent/carers and staff are clear on the Early Help support available through the school
  •  Partners, working to support families alongside schools have clarity regarding the early help offer of schools; supporting effective multi-agency working
  •  They are up-to-date with and part of local and national approaches to the delivery of early help support for more vulnerable families
  •  They have evidence of their commitment to the personal development and wellbeing strand of the Ofsted Framework

The ultimate goal is to ensure all children, young people and families receive the right support, at the right time reducing the need for referral to statutory services.

Please consider the environment.